About Kiki Theo
The Greeks believe in fate, and my fate should have been to marry a good Greek man and live a comfortable and modest Greek life. I was never meant to go into business, make a fortune and retire by the sea before I'm 40. No. If any money was to be made, it should have been made by the husband.
I was also not meant to be writing about money, or teaching people how to run their businesses. I was especially not meant to be seen, let alone prosper, in the provinces of men like my companies in the construction and portfolio management industries. Making baklava and raising children was supposed to be my lot.
Cross yourself three times, my stepmother would have said about his website, because flaunting wealth or good fortune is considered particularly bad taste in the Greek world. This because you lay yourself open to being given the evil eye. Ptou, ptou, ptou. One mock spits three times to avert this evil influence.
So my journey has been one of transcending – fate, humble beginnings, expectations, paradoxes, being Greek, early childhood trauma, and especially, my deep introversion.
For me, the most miraculous thing about being Kiki here, now, is not how much money I have made, but that I no longer live with daily anxiety and depression. That I am no longer in destructive relationships. And that I can stand up in front of a crowd and speak, without running away to hide. I would never have even believed such things were possible.
Let alone that I would be living, not in a bachelor apartment in the city, like my childhood home, but in a spacious beach house overlooking the sea from every room! Free to do as I please with my time.
Yet here I am, a testament to the fact that all things are possible! And I would like to share my journey and lessons with you because that's why I started teaching and writing about wealth expansion.
You may think that wealth expansion and emotional well being are not linked, but in order for me to get from where I was to here, I had to change. Wealth expansion is a journey ana process of transformation
If you feel you too want to change your life, make more money yes, for sure, but also become more you, then I think this work may be able to help you. Easily and faster than you can imagine.
If you want to go to the next level, no matter where you are on the path to wealth, then this work will open the way. Smoothly and lightly.
If you need to take your business into greater profitability, or launch a new business from scratch, then this work will help you immensely. With real practical tools that work.
Jump right in! The water's warm. Let me be your Greek money muse!
Start your journey with the Money Alchemy book today. Your life will change for the better!